
Showing posts from May, 2022


 文章一 Tweet Post Share Save Buy Copies Print What if you upgraded your IT network to a new operating system that promised faster, better and leaner results — only to find that the vast majority of your leaders did not have the necessary competencies to use that new system? At Hay Group,  our research  suggests that many companies are now stuck in that metaphorical boat. Determined to get closer to their customers and become more agile and innovative, global organizations like IBM and GE are embracing  the matrix organizational model . But, the transition to this new model has not been all smooth sailing. In matrix organizations, leaders suddenly find themselves having to master the challenges of managing cross-divisional, international teams over whom they have little formal authority. Not surprisingly, the skills required to effectively navigate the matrix are different than those needed to succeed in the old, hierarchical organizational model. Leaders who lack these...


文章一: One of your direct reports wants more money. He says he’s underpaid. Or he thinks he’s doing work above his current title. Whether or not you hold the purse strings for your team or organization, this is a tough situation for managers. How should you respond? What the Experts Say No matter who’s making the request, your star performer or an average one, you’re likely to feel taken aback or annoyed at being put in this position. Most managers do, says Dick Grote, performance management consultant and author of  How to Be Good at Performance Appraisals . That’s because compensation is rarely a straightforward issue, says Karen Dillon, author of the  HBR Guide to Office Politics . “As a manager, you’re starting with an impressionist painting of how people are paid and whether it’s fair,” she says. “Also, it’s rare that giving the raise is entirely up to you — and there are a hundred things you have to account for. With a decision like this, there are always ripple effec...

服务端高并发分布式架构演进之路 - 读书笔记 3.7 第六次演进:把大表拆分为小表 只要实时操作的表数据量足够小,请求能够足够均匀的分发到多台服务器上的小表,那数据库就能通过水平扩展的方式来提高性能。 显著增加了数据库运维的难度,对 DBA的 要求较高。数据库设计到这种结构时,已经可以称为分布式数据库。 MPP(大规模并行处理) 3.13 第十二次演进:引入企业服务总线 ESB 屏蔽服务接口的访问差异 通过 ESB 统一进行访问协议转换。应用统一通过 ESB 来访问后端服务,服务与服务之间也通过 ESB 来相互调用,以此降低系统的耦合程度。

服务器如何扩容 -- 读书笔记

Image 分布式会缩短单个任务的执行时间来提升工作效率, 更简单的来说,分布式是将步骤分到每台电脑上,不考虑依赖关系, 而集群强调的是提高单位时间内执行操作数的增加来提高效率。 更简单的来说, 集群方案是指几个任务同时在处理。 AKF扩展 Snowflake ID生成