
Showing posts from January, 2023

读书笔记 - 纳瓦尔宝典 把 自己产品化 ,你就是一个独特的产品,那么你怎么把自己这个产品做到最好,找到最适合的岗位和人群,把自己推销出去。并且不断丰富这个产品的性能。甚至在必要的时候,给他使用杠杆。利用,劳动力,资本来扩大他的收益。 一直以来大家对于成功学,有着较大的分歧,很多人都觉得成功学就是心灵鸡汤,没有啥营养,甚至认为成功学就是割韭菜,但其实一个判别的标准, 只讲价值观,不讲方法论的,基本没用 ,真正的商业技能是不可能培训出来的,也没有这些课程可以教给你该如何致富,那么我们能教给大家什么?能教的其实就是选择的技巧和能力,让你把时间和精力,放在正确的事情上,其实人生早期积累,无非就是三道选择题, 在哪里生活,和谁一起,从事什么职业 。这三道选择题会极大的拉开人与人的差距。那些有商业智慧的人,他们也不能改变风口,更不能改变天时。他能做的也只是顺势而为。在正确的时间做正确的事。而投资人,其实因为职业所限,所以他就更得去抓住时代的风口,所以投资没那么高深,他其实就是一门关于选择的学问。你选择跟最好的行业站在一起,你就成功了,就这么简单。 1 财富是你在睡觉的时候都能为你赚钱的资产,他跟金钱是不同的 ,金钱只是我们转换时间和财富的方式,地位则是你在社会等级体系中,所处的位置。 2、财富并不丢人,如果你在内心鄙视有钱人,那么财富也会对你避而远之。 3、依靠出租时间,是不可能致富的,你必须拥有股权,才能实现财务自由。 4、 获得财富的一个途径,就是为社会提供他们想要的,且之前没有的东西,还得能实现,规模化。 5、选择一个 有长期发展的行业 ,还得找到一个 可以长期合作的人 。 6、互联网极大的拓展了职业空间,但是大多数人,还没有认清这一点。 7, 培养迭代思维 ,生活中所有的回报,无论是财富,人际关系,还是知识,都有很强的复利效应。 8、 不要跟愤世嫉俗和消极悲观的人合作 ,他们的悲观,会让自己什么也干不成。 9、 学会销售,学会构建 ,这两个技能会让你势不可挡。 10、 专长是指无法通过培训获得的知识 ,如果可以培训了,那么别人也就能够取代你。获得专长的方式就是兴趣和热爱。而不是盲目的追逐热点 11、 累计专长的过程,对你而言就是玩,但对别人却无比吃力。 如果反过来,那么这个专长就不适合你。 12...

读书笔记 - 2023 State of DevOps Report Platform Engineering Edition

A product manager role on the platform team is crucial to cultivating a product mindset , evangelizing the platform , and effectively disseminating information throughout the firm.   ---  including i ncreasing awareness of platform capabilities (47%), setting realistic expectation s for the platform team’s role across the organization (44%), and more c losely following industry trends and keeping up with feature requirements (37%). What is Platform Engineering? Platform engineering is the discipline of designing and building self-service capabilities to minimize cognitive load for developers and to enable fast flow software delivery. Platform teams deliver shared infrastructure platforms to internal users responsible for delivering a value stream – typically software developers and engineers. The platform team continuously develops, builds, maintains, and supports underlying infrastructure in order to build self-service solutions, enabling development teams to deli...

读书笔记 - Six Open-Ended Questions To Ask Your Direct Reports What do you enjoy doing most as part of your work? Why? What do you  miss most about the jobs you've had in the past? Why? What things about your current job do you enjoy the least? Why? How do you cope with or relieve stress? To help you do your job, what could I change about: Your work environment? The content of your work? How you get your work done? What form of recognition do you prefer or not prefer?

读书笔记 - 5 Methods To Help You Deal With Difficult Team Members

Image What Is A Difficult Employee? There are many traits that could make someone hard to work with. For example, they might be:  Disruptive Oppositional Disengaged  Toxic Unproductive  Passive aggressive  A poor listener Low on empathy 

读书笔记 - Seven Tips For Making Better Presentations Succinct stories that illicit emotional response are great hooks. Vary your voice to capture attention: modulate volume, rate, pitch, pace, and tone. Comparisons and analogies are powerful. Ask questions, such as, “What does what I’m sharing remind you of?” Use the questions to help your audience, smell, or sense what you’re describing. Repetition builds retention. State your most important point more than once. Move while you present. Make eye contact, a true show of courage. It’s a vital connection. If you don’t meet your audiences’ gaze, they are not likely to believe you. Pause occasionally to let all the great information you just said sink in. Add pictures and quotes into your presentations.

读书笔记 - 10-dynamic-job-interview-questions/

Job interview questions that work: Use job interview questions about practices, not theories. Job interview questions about work ethic: Tell me about a time when you pulled out all the stops to get a project done on time. What did you learn about yourself? What would you do differently next time? When are you at your best, morning or afternoon? What makes you say that? What’s your favorite part of work? How much of that do you need to be fulfilled at your job? When you look back at work, what are your proudest moments? Tell me more. A typical job interview is a conversation between two liars. Claudio Fernandez-Araoz  Job interview questions about teamwork: Tell me about the best team you ever worked on. What made it the best? How do you exemplify the qualities of a great team member? What’s hard about being on a team? Tell me about a time you were on a lousy team. How did you handle it? Tell me about a time...

读书笔记 - 7 Ways Managers Can Help Their Team Focus Inventory tasks and projects. This is a discipline where common sense is not common practice. If your people don’t have a complete list of their commitments and projects, they can’t realistically prioritize. As a leader, hold people accountable for keeping current to-do lists and give them time each week to do a full weekly review of these commitments so they can stay in control. Clarify and curate communication channels. Most of our distraction is the result of a plethora of internal communication channels people must navigate in a typical workplace setting — and that’s not to mention actually processing the content in each channel. Clarify what each channel should be used for and the expectations around response times. Normalize saying no. Leaders need to create psychological safety around airing overwhelm and burnout. One brilliant example comes from Rich Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations, a custom software deve...

读书笔记 : How to Talk with Your Team About the Elephant in the Room What Is Framing — and Why Don’t More Leaders Use It? Framing means defining the issue and setting the container for the conversation. A frame helps people organize their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and ultimately, allows them to take action on the issue. Step 1: Identify to yourself what’s impeding progress. As a leader, your first step is to define what is causing resistance or blocking forward motion. This could be a submerged tension, an inconsistency in action, a difference of opinion, a negative emotion, passive agreement, or an unconscious pattern. In this step, it’s your job to try to identify what’s happening. Ask yourself, what’s at the heart of the matter? What’s not working? Step 2: Look at the situation with curiosity. The next step is to open up your understanding of the issue. It helps to imagine that you are an extraterrestrial observing the situation for the first time. You...

【读书笔记】Platform engineering trends in 2023  infrastructure abstraction for developers 工具的整合 self service

DevOps 缺少定义,平台工程需要指导性路线图 Key Takeaways A lack of definition for DevOps enabled early adopters but didn't allow late-majority enterprises to be successful in their adoption of DevOps. The platform engineering community is in danger of repeating this mistake What is missing is a map for how to progressively adopt a Platform Engineering approach, not a highly specific end goal While Team Topologies has provided an excellent starting point, not everyone understands it is more than just implementing the right types of teams A common anti-pattern is setting an open-ended goal of increasing collaboration between teams. This tends to be highly inefficient at scale as stream-aligned teams outnumber platform teams. Most enterprises fail at transformations like this because they implement them via project management instead of product management At PlatformCon 2022, Nigel Kersten, Field CTO at Puppet, spoke about the need for a prescriptive roadmap for plat...