
Prompt Engineer Tips

你是一位 {language} staff engineer,现在请写一个函数帮我完成 {Task} 任务,要求: 1. 2. 3. Example Input: """ {input example} """ Output: """ {output example} """   (注意我没有手指,请务必输出完整代码,我会给你 $1000 小费)   5个关键要素: 1.角色:希望模型扮演的角色,以及具备的能力。 2.指令:希望模型执行的具体任务或指令。 3.上下文:上下文、背景或者外部信息,用于引导模型提供更好的响应。 4.输入数据:我们希望获得响应的"输入内容或问题"。 5.输出指示:模型输出响应的数据格式,内容的风格、个性或态度等要求。 http:// Frameworks CRISPE COSTAR ICIP Context Context Instruction Role Objective Context Instruction Style Input Data Subject Tone Output Indicator Preset Audience   Exception Response  

Docker Container mount to a mysteric folder which I don't know where is it.

Env:  Ubuntu 20.04  When install too many versions of docker on the same machine,  it could have a weird mount behavior. I have a folder called /media/xxx/uuid/prod/db, hereafter, "local db folder".   and I mount this folder to the /db folder inside container, hereafter "container db folder".    I start container like this:  docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=/media/xxx/uuid/prod/db,target=/db image:latest As you can expected, something happened. the container was  up and running.  the mount seemed not right. If I add a new file to the local db folder , the new file was not available in container db folder ,  and vice versa,  if I add a new file to the container db folder ,  the file wasn't available in the local db folder either.   Looks like the local db folder and container db folder wasn't mapped.   Run docker inspect, I could see the mount configure was correct, from  /media/xxx/uuid/prod/db to /db However, if I stopped the container, and create

[读书笔记]: how-to-improve-your-sales-skills-even-if-youre-not-a-salesperson Selling is moving somebody else to action Selling “is persuading, inspiring, and leading.” Your goal is “to work in collaboration” with a client or colleague “to drive change.” “People buy for two reasons,” -       They either have a business problem that needs to be solved or       they have a personal need, such as a desire to move up in the organization”  It’s your job to figure out your customer’s motivations

【读书笔记】STP in SCD

  Automation and optimization are high on the list for all organizations. A key part of this in SCD is the Transaction STP feature which enables you to automate the way transactions are processed and only deal with exceptions. In this piece, we will take a look at some of the tools that can be used to help users handle the process. Start by looking at the Message Queue window where the STP queues are defined (Message queue type = STP queue). In this window, we want to point to the field Maximum Age . As with other message queues, this defines the number of days after which a ‘Finished’ message will be deleted (provided this has not been disabled in the Service Options window). For an STP queue, this means the number of days after a transaction has reached the highest status possible, which at many client installations is ‘Final GL’. However, the transaction is of course not deleted, rather the message status is changed from ‘Queued’ to ‘Removed’ and it is no longer part of the STP. F