
Showing posts from 2006

Funny PLA..

今天PLA的政治部重申PLA只能由CCP领导,禁止其他党派在PLA中建立组织。对此我只能联想到 重庆谈判的时候 蒋xx建议CCP把自己的军队交给国民政府指挥。CCP的回答是统编后的军队要真正是国家的军队而不是KMT的军队。而今天CCP的对PLA的定义俨然就是几十年前CCP对由KMT领导的国民政府军队性质的定义。甚至PLA现颇有些nazi的DWJ的样子。不过未明上有个哥们说的好,既然PLA是CCP的,为什么不让7000万CCPer出钱来养着,却要花xxx亿纳税人的钱呢?Funny


深有同感 *************************************************************** 发信人: gcdzs (沉默是金), 信区: JobHunting 标 题: 我最讨厌的一种炫耀方法 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 2 12:30:22 2006) 就是某些人不论别人说啥,都是“这有啥了不起,我的室友/前室友/远房亲戚/认识的 人/朋友/同学比你强多了?“ 别人牛,第一你不能证明真假,第二就算是真的,和你 啥关系呀? 这种人以国内没见过世面的小市民最多,这个BBS上也有不少。这类人最受不了的就是 知道有人牛,自己比不过人家,没脸拿出来比,就一定要拉一个人,也不管熟不熟,出 来充场面,心虚的典型表现。鲁迅先生真是了解国民的劣根性,一个阿Q“赵大爷和我 打过招呼”,把一大堆losers描述的淋漓尽致。 以前看一网友总结的好,国人一大毛病就是喜欢把凤毛麟角的个例挑出来,以偏概全。 比如说,我认识谁谁谁三流学校本科毕业的,工作不到5年就年薪30万了(国内),或者 那个谁谁谁,本科毕业去投行,年薪15万美元起。由此可以推出,国内大城市里本科毕 业,5年工作经验的没有30万年薪都不好意思和人打招呼;在美国本科毕业5年以后,没 有20万年薪都是混的惨不忍睹。看来美国和中国的统计局,税务局都是吃干饭的,误差 在200%以上,操作起来也还是挺有技术难度的。 按这种逻辑,我还知道一哥们从卖大米开始,就小学文凭,现在也家产好几十亿美元了 ;一哥们本科辍学,现在也混到MS的CEO了。

What's a joke

from wall street journal Chinese version, the government is really funny, did they use their brain before they made their announcement, what a ridiculous excuse. 中国强调为新闻业营造公平竞争环境 2006年09月18日14:00 中国坚持说,它并未试图遏止财经信息的传播,也没有歧视外国媒体,此前中国要求海外的新闻提供商都需通过新华社在华分销其新闻产品。 外 界批评说,这一新规定使10年前达成的一项允许路透集团(Reuters Group PLC)和彭博资讯(Bloomberg LP)等外资企业直接向中国客户出售财经新闻的协议成为一纸空文,中国负责出版事务的一位副部级官员周四对此回应说,中国希望在信息市场形成“公平竞 争”。这一新规定还强化了新华社对财经新闻以外所有外国消息的过滤器角色。 中国新闻出版总署副署长柳斌杰说在一个新闻发布会上说,不存在压制市场竞争的问题。 而新华社也表示,它颁布上述规定并不是为了增加自己的收入。在新华社作出这一声明之前,中国总理温家宝本周在访问伦敦时已保证,外国记者在中国的工作将不会受到影响。此次颁布的新规定使新华社对提供给中国媒体和中国金融市场的外国新闻和信息有了一种近乎生杀予夺的权力。 新华社的声明显示,国际社会对周日宣布的这一新规定作出的负面反应使中国政府感到担忧。而此规定颁布之际正值中国希望在2008年北京奥运会开幕前向世界展示出一副开放的面孔之时。美国和欧洲都对此项规定表示了忧虑。 新 华社新实施的这一监管机制使人不禁对中国能否履行其对世界贸易组织(WTO)所作的自由贸易承诺产生了怀疑。虽然新闻和信息服务是WTO规则体系内的一个 灰色领域,但WTO还是希望避免因政府监管机构既是裁判员又是运动员所造成的利益冲突。中国新出台的规定强迫外国的财经信息提供商通过新华社一家下属机构 在华出售其产品,而该机构又是东京上市企业新华财经有限公司(Xinhua Finance Ltd.)的商业合作伙伴。新华财经专门出售财经新闻和经济数据。 与此同时,中国领导人则希望安抚外国财经信息公司在华客户的不安情绪。这些客户包括中国最大的银行、证券公司和商品交易所。中国是世界第三贸...

Last and first

A special day as a line, different important things were done before and after.

China Tests U.S. Immigration Plan/中国拒绝接受被美遣返移民

After reading the news, feel so sad with these people, and so shame on the government. The news from wall street journal online. ******************************************************************************* In Spat Over Asylum Policy, Beijing Refuses Return Of Illegal Entrants By JUNE KRONHOLZ July 31, 2006; Page A4 What can the U.S. do if a huge trading partner like China won't take back thousands of illegal immigrants? Not much, apparently. In a spat over U.S. asylum policy, China is refusing to take back 40,000 deportable immigrants, insisting that asylum-seekers such as Falun Gong members and other political opponents of Beijing be returned as well. That has put the U.S. in a sticky position. If illegal immigrants "are not accepted back, then, for all intents and purposes, they are free to remain in this country because we have no place to remove them to," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff recently told an audience at the American Enterprise Institu...

Such a cold summer

I almost did not wear the t-shirt alone this summer, always have a jacket on when I went outside. Most of time the temperature is lower than 20 c-degree. Totally did not get the feeling of summer. What a pity.

Back or Not Back

This is a question.

Black June

Black June is passed. Welcome a new July.

MiddleSummer Festival

Tomorrow is Middle Summer Festival, which has the longest daytime in a year. I will go out and catch up the sun in the nidnight. Summer, everything is perfect except the anonying mosquito.


Spring HAS came here already. I like the weather, and I love the life.

Vacant mind

The depression is continuing, I miss the life and friends in Denmark. Here is too silent and small to expand my wing. My mind in vacant, I have no idea what I am doing and I do not what should I do in furture. Well, I know what should I do, but I can not concentrate myself on the work. I always want to do some work, but failed again and again. I need some change, but I do not know. I expect my darling's coming can bring me 200% fresh air.

I am not so happy

Boss told me currently there is not any available project, possiblely I will do some company internal development project. I do not like it, perhaps I should find some new development in somewhere else, but not in Finland.


This year's Forbes Billionaires. My dreaming, sweet dream.

Strike in freezing days.

From last Sunday 18:00, the bus drivers in Finland start their strike. Damn it, the weather here is less than -20 c. I am freezing everyday. This year, I know what is real winter, such cold days, I hate here.

I want to shout out!

Near the ending, I spend a lot time on doing nothing which should be used to do something meaningful. What I got is something almost like nothing, and what I waste is something invaluable. Of course I know what I was doing, but I am not able to control myself. I do not know how to wake me up, I am trapped. To terrible!

My feeling

Now my feeling like the sky of Oulu, dark without light.

Manager's annoyance

I just felt the managers or leader also have a lot of annoyance, because of such stupid employees as me.

Stop stupid..

Stop spending too much precious time on the stupid video game. If mentally tired, do physicall exercise, and vice versa. If both happened, found some funny to relax. Not too much, the time is not really that much as it look likes.

Unhappy life

To be honest, I am really unhappy recently. I can not stand this alone life, I hope I and my lover can get together sooner. Similar things in work as well. The communication with Finns is not that interesting, and I do not have a clear mind of what I will do in the future. This confused me. I do not know, if I should continue staying here, or move to Helsinki, or even Copenhagen if any chance. Too much I do not know. I feel lost in the cold icyweather. p.s: This morning, the tempreture felt down to -29 C, and predicted keep falling in next 2 days. kcuF the damn weather and my chaos mind.

I suck!

How did I waste the whole day today. Suck!

A week passed

The first week this year has been passed, so rapidly. 1/52 of this yeas has gone, but I am still living in last year.

How to keep your cool in investment.

Keep investment goals and strategy clear. Distrust all gurus Do not predict the future, but be prepared. If can not stay still, freeze a large part of your portfolio. Try a news fast. There is always good news and bad news. Something big is always happening. One of the market gurus has to be right.