
Showing posts from November, 2014

formula is way better than expert

use formula to predict is better than experts manual work, more low efficient, more better anybody creates a simple formula to grade the financial product.

how people thought is crutial

why experts fail to make right estimation ,not because what they thought, because how they thought, it is same point in personal mba.

useless thought leads ti better performance in investment

Kahneman said wemen has better performance than man in investment..because man more tend to do things follow their useless thought.. .so it is time to shift the task now..

Macro test vs micro test

Q: Macro test vs micro test a.k.a the coverage for the whole product like V model coverage v.s specific bug hunting A: Test as wide as possible is more preferable than test as deep as possible, which have higher return of invest. Test deep is good to when there are resource. 

Diversity Diversity

Diversity may be one of the crucial thing in the team.