
Showing posts from December, 2014

you cannot be anything you want to be

you can be a lot more of who you already are.. life is short, do not waste time to correct your deficiencies, develop your strength instead.

Test Strategy的一个作用


2014 EuroSTAR Review - Test Strategy

Where can you think to construct the test strategy 每次设计之前都需要仔细的设计Test Strategy Test Strategy和其他的都一样,需要训练才能熟练,如果开始就能写好,说明你还不会。  when a person is too focus on one thing he may lost focus on other thing, and lost the overview. Hence, test from more angle is better than test deep under the condition of limited resource.  Test Strategy is a tool to communication, and improve the cooperation . Test Misson has to be answered, WHY do we test this product. Test strategy is a tool to design test, which collect the information -> model and -> convert the model to test . it is not the same thing as test plan.  Use different kind of test technique, can be different in terms of test effort,  Test strategy best to used for the test designer that need communicate their test to Management and test executor.  Q: How deep the strategy should be , I believe the bigger the project/product, the deeper strategy needed...

A New Model of Testing - EuroSTAR Conferences

Image Don't we know everything there is to know about testing? The response from pretty well everyone who knows anything about testing is 'certainly not'. I am proposing a New Model because I believe that the testing world is getting shaken up quite dramatically. The current confused state of affairs [1,2] could mean that some more → This message was sent using ShareThis ( )

2014 EuroSTAR Review

Test without  solid information:  Michael botton的speach和飞利浦的那个讲座的特点类似, 基本都是Herustic 的延伸,基本都是说在没有足够信息的情况的,应该怎么去思考, Michael更多的是启发式的, 飞利浦的那个基本上是用一个例子来讲该怎么办, 在只有一个open protocol的情况下怎么来进行, 这个和我的framework测试有些类似, 但是resource和重视程度是不一样的。  Quadrant need! live oracle Not only test product, test the idea of product.. Create a mission • What is the (business) strategy? • What are the interests of stakeholders? • What is the tester(s) mission? Possible Actions Documentation study • Gathering best practices •  Risk analysis •  Propose test strategy •  Determine requirements • Current test approach as starting point • Keep business involved • Implementation But that's for a big project.. Test Pattern Discovery Find a good probe Nature Verbs : Name your actions: Put your hands inside the system, not only the direct input, secret operation, env setting etc.. Cut the Middleman: Short operation is easier to...

EuroStar Overview - Test Tools and Test Service

The rate just means how much the product of company related to my own work, not the rate to the quality of their product or service.. TestTool Review   *** DataMaker, and Fast data Maker : Generate the test data using tree like structure    *** Test case design tool..    *** QA complete : TM, + Test Complete + Defect management, + requirement Management Test Complete Ready API: API Test: Mock model,  Functional and Performance, Security Scan,    ** Test reporting tool, for test manager.   *** Tosca as a Service: a cloud based TM/Test tool   * Squish: GUI automated tool Squish Coco: Code coverage tool  * Load and performance test tool Neosence: Monitoring tool..  *** Test Engine: Test data tool , ...

Is QA Test Plan suitable for the company?

The idea of QA Test Plan is okay, but the bad tool jeopardize the users.  The tool is really bad at manageing the testcase. and it is not heuristic to design testcase. .  The test stretery is bad too. no way to track the error related to the plan . The QA plan try to make them together to a single file make the things worse. Especially try to find a way to do it for whole company, thats very bad without using any commercial tool . The solution maybe split the test case/strategy design and test report/track/management,