2014 EuroSTAR Review
Test without solid information:
Michael botton的speach和飞利浦的那个讲座的特点类似, 基本都是Herustic 的延伸,基本都是说在没有足够信息的情况的,应该怎么去思考, Michael更多的是启发式的, 飞利浦的那个基本上是用一个例子来讲该怎么办, 在只有一个open protocol的情况下怎么来进行, 这个和我的framework测试有些类似, 但是resource和重视程度是不一样的。
Quadrant need!
- live oracle
- Not only test product, test the idea of product..
Create a mission
• What is the (business) strategy?
• What are the interests of stakeholders?
• What is the tester(s) mission?
Possible Actions
Documentation study
• Gathering best practices
• Risk analysis
• Propose test strategy
• Determine requirements
• Current test approach as starting point
• Keep business involved
• Implementation
But that's for a big project..
Test Pattern Discovery
- Find a good probe
- Nature Verbs : Name your actions: Put your hands inside the system, not only the direct input, secret operation, env setting etc..
- Cut the Middleman: Short operation is easier to control and cognition.
- Judgement: tester interpreter the result
- Stay in control: start with simple, and control the test
- Traduttore, Tradittore: We are building an abstraction, and all abstractions are leaky. What you see may be different than what it is. “All models are false but some models are useful.” It all about create automated system for manual testers.
测试的Hypothesis, 但是某些Hypotheis会带来很大的误解
测试的数据需要提前设计好,否则会带来很大的困扰, 比如开始我们选用了一个指令来做测试,的到的结果非常让人困惑, 如果开始就能使用更好的测试数据, 也许可以很快的就能得到发现结果
Pattern Discovery, Pattern analysis.
Formulate Hypothesis - Design, run Analysis experiments
Design experiment upfront : inhibits(decrease) discovery , increase Confirmation.
Observer : Watch others behavior , track the test result
Test Data
Test Data Base Properties, 分析在一个Org里面测试数据,把数据类型细化。 这样在整个Org里面, Tester只需要order自己的需要的数据就可以, 这样减少生成Test 数据的工作量。并且准确性更高。 有些类似与编程里面的Framework, 对数据的设计也是很有技巧的。
Test Data on Demand
Create User Story for test data team too.
easit.com 的TestEngine可能是一个类似的工具可以使用, 甚至就是他们参与开发的。
Big data:
- Too big to test/count individual data,to manipulate, to backup, to comprehend, to test.
Security Test
除了SQL injection, XML Inject, XPath |njection 都是需要考虑的。
SQL Inject 可以在结尾插入注释符号,这样就有机会来注释掉code
Test Management
Test Management 在Agile里面慢慢变成了一个尴尬的角色, Agile的特性让TM变得难于计划, TM以后要和PO和SM的角色转化,未来TM在agile team里面的位置需要进一步定义。
Waterscuming是一个很流行的说法, 但是没有看出来那个有比较好的模型,大家是不是还在探索之中呢。
How to make good test team.
- Understand product
- Design for Testability
- Collabration
- Multiskilled test team
Avoid: On Time, First Time, Every Time,, Next Time,
Diversity is the hottest word in the Conference. Diversity Leadership Innovation是三角型关系,三个互相牵制。
- Do not use many task in a single swim lane.
- Done -> Doc Done ->Test
- Proactive react to info -> Analyse Test Result
- Test Env error is nightmare
- Error vs Sprint Commitment ,need analysis and priority the P1 error, and reserve time for this kind of error.
Lessons Learn
- Influence diagram and cause effect
- 一个公司的流程改进是全公司的,
只有一个地方的改进是没有效力的, 还会带来问题让公司重新开始老路。。 - A way of seeing is also a way of not seeing- a focus on object ‘A’ involves a neglect of object ‘B’.
- Structured Methods acted as transitional objects for managers and developers. People cling to processes as social defences. This helps them deal with the stress of confusing, messy situations and difficult jobs. This is definitely not beneficial for their development!
- Obvious; where the supplier and client thought we were.
- Chaotic; where the testing team knew we were.
- No matter how it looks at first, it's always a people problem.
- Any approach to testing that ignores “people problems” and tries to tame human nature with rules, standards and rigid processes is doomed.
- Donot reinvent the wheel
- Use cook book other cook your own
- Retrospective is important tool to improve.
- long sprint may let people forget the feeling, and passion. Like in the academic paper, they always use short sentence.
- Test is just one step of QA.
- Chrisma: What this product attractive your attention.
- Relational, explict, collective Test knowledge.
- SW is a knowledge storage medium
- Discover explores, maybe what you discovered is far from the expectation, but this is also a a part of test.
- when a SW solve your problem, it also solve others problem
- Test People, Test environment, Test tool..
- Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
- 5 whys on everything... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- Stressed is Desserts in backwards
- What if + Why not = Let“s go..
- Your control system should be at least as complicated as the system you control
- Diversity is a crucial asset for testing
- Bias is everywhere,
- Randomness - > Variety Increase --> Serendipity Increase
- Diverse test in good level than deep test a perfect one
- Copy - > Transform -- > Combine
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