Test Q&A
Q: More Asset Management team seeking nontraditional investment in nowadays, what is the opportunity to me
A: Instrument Type added, and the infomation of Insrument type will be added.
Q: How to deal with the support to different version.
A: After 5.6, install the agent in testtemp folder, and no need to remove the agent from default folder. .
Q: Also think about test as service, what I should change my behaviour.
A: Test as service is mainly to know what you custemer needs. Interview the stakehold what they want, and design the test for them. No quite same as the work we do here.
Q: How to perform release test and cr test, figure out a good way to do that.
Get project information -> Write strategy -> Script the test.
Open Question
Integration Test
1. How to test the in house framework, before the code release to other int. developer.
2. When the integration test applies, does this work already died now?
Test Management
3. Do you have test designer and test execution, in other word, the test in development team and test in product, do you use the same team or different team.
4. Is test manager role is madatory in the team, test manager vs test lead..
9. Test Architect, what should she do..
15. How to evaluate a tester's performance.
16. How to implement the agile and agile test in Enterpris software, which has fix relase date.
17. 1. Get the overview of the QA plan What can we do to cover the different layers.
18: What is the role of a Test Developer:
A: Instrument Type added, and the infomation of Insrument type will be added.
Q: How to deal with the support to different version.
A: After 5.6, install the agent in testtemp folder, and no need to remove the agent from default folder. .
Q: Also think about test as service, what I should change my behaviour.
A: Test as service is mainly to know what you custemer needs. Interview the stakehold what they want, and design the test for them. No quite same as the work we do here.
Q: How to perform release test and cr test, figure out a good way to do that.
Get project information -> Write strategy -> Script the test.
Relase test should not only test the CR, also test the requirement, not only the functional, should I consider the non functional, or higher level test.
Use script is good for simplify the labor work, but also make the test to always use the predifine script, they may neglect some test point, tester need think about using non-default value to test.
Use script is good for simplify the labor work, but also make the test to always use the predifine script, they may neglect some test point, tester need think about using non-default value to test.
Open Question
Integration Test
1. How to test the in house framework, before the code release to other int. developer.
2. When the integration test applies, does this work already died now?
Test Management
3. Do you have test designer and test execution, in other word, the test in development team and test in product, do you use the same team or different team.
4. Is test manager role is madatory in the team, test manager vs test lead..
9. Test Architect, what should she do..
15. How to evaluate a tester's performance.
16. How to implement the agile and agile test in Enterpris software, which has fix relase date.
17. 1. Get the overview of the QA plan What can we do to cover the different layers.
18: What is the role of a Test Developer:
19. How the tester know what gonna happen in Enterpris software, especially the operation part.
Test technique
5. How to manage end to end test for own feature.
6. How much test is test enough.
7. How to foucs on your task..
8. What the future career of young tester?
10. Know more or know deep.
11. How to deal with the not reproducible error, I often have this kind issue. The error rarely happens, and the information is limited, report this kind error takes time, and does not help a lot for developer to debug. What it the best way to report this error, and what should I do in the following...
12. How to test the not reproducible error,
13, How to test the technical code change,..
14. Performance test on the small part. especially the raraly happened scenario.
17. Sometime I need wait developer to see the error, I need keep the evidence, sometime the waiting time is long, what should I do. 18. How to gain the domain knowledge as a tester. Some times the user case are not easy to create, if I am not an expert of that domain.
19. Security test, what are the technique and tools for that.
Release twice a year (strict requirement) so need adopt test strategy.
Test Time:
5. How to manage end to end test for own feature.
6. How much test is test enough.
7. How to foucs on your task..
8. What the future career of young tester?
10. Know more or know deep.
11. How to deal with the not reproducible error, I often have this kind issue. The error rarely happens, and the information is limited, report this kind error takes time, and does not help a lot for developer to debug. What it the best way to report this error, and what should I do in the following...
12. How to test the not reproducible error,
13, How to test the technical code change,..
14. Performance test on the small part. especially the raraly happened scenario.
17. Sometime I need wait developer to see the error, I need keep the evidence, sometime the waiting time is long, what should I do. 18. How to gain the domain knowledge as a tester. Some times the user case are not easy to create, if I am not an expert of that domain.
19. Security test, what are the technique and tools for that.
Release twice a year (strict requirement) so need adopt test strategy.
Test Time:
Test Type
怎么测试公司内部的框架, 在代码被公司其他内部开发人员使用之前。
应该怎么学习自己领域的知识。有时候user case并不是很容易来去建立,我并不是这方面的专家。
应该怎么学习自己领域的知识。有时候user case并不是很容易来去建立,我并不是这方面的专家。
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