1. Security Test for Application in docker Not many information, but put DUT into docker could be the same thing, 2. Put security test tool in docker. I do not see huge benefit to put security test tool in docker, but there are a few posts mentions that, and major open source test tool already have their own docker image. https://raesene.github.io/blog/2015/08/15/set-up-a-complete-security-test-environment-with-command-and-docker-compose/ https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-pentest#docker-for-penetration-testing 3. Docker Security This is mainly for deployment, check whether the docker environment is secure enough. https://medium.com/@alexeiled/docker-security-testing-3545e7493843 https://github.com/gaia-adm/docker-bench-test https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security https://github.com/docker/notary
Highlights: The programming skill of programmer are in general better than before. Modern programming languages and frameworks make programmer potentially make less error. Legacy system still lack of proper test, but the situation in many newly built system are better. Unit test and Integration test are paid more attentions, and in place. The continuous integration and continuous deployment make the team the correct the error more fast and more often. So if the team are confident can correct the defect within a short time, the formal manual test for the non-core function could be reduced. But this is not true for safety or business critical product, which however only a very small part in the whole software industry. The test need deeper domain knowledge and user knowledge to setup complex testcase. Better architecture make the automation could be focus on the functional level, while the nature of frontend may not suitable for auto test ...
https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/_basic_concepts.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document-oriented_database Configuration (a.k.a Design) matters a lot. Big performance impact to user. Design the configure based on the query pattern of users. Dual scoring model : Bool query && ?? Shingles , 类似有pairwise,把一个句子里面的单词(token)没连续两个分组,比如 Hello the beautiful world -> [Hello the], [the beautiful], [beautiful world] Kopf: https://github.com/lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf, web admin page for elesticsearch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrzpkF1-VsA&list=PLSIUOFhnxEiAeGHYoBZCvEMY5wCOIpyOM&index=12 About 1.5% test are flaky, which is inevitable. CI system must be able to deal with certain level of flakiness. Retrier is good way to solve. and check the histroy of stacktrace, check if the stacktrace is same as before. MinRanl Concept: the number of layers from one node to another node MinRank 3 -5 has highest probablity of flaky Some source type may create more flaky test. 1 person modify the code, unlikely break the code. 2 have best results, if more than 2, the break increase a lot....
An interesting picutre from : http://testerstories.com/2016/10/test-to-put-pressure-on-design/ If a test is failing, and we know which feature is failing, do we know which components need to be fixed? the traditional test praraid does not fit into the nowadays software developer which is far more complex.
{ how often you run test, how often code change, audience changes. } { LATENCY, CONCURRENT USER } { DESCRIPTIVE model, study the user behavior and design test accordingly. Do not random. } { design waiting time in the test to avoid saturation, production data arbitrary command, run queue length } { report: [Jmeter + influx db, use thread and wait time to get a optimized ration, no aggregate report enabled, find the deritive of the cure.] }
Thread : number of user Test delay : delay between each run to simulate a breathing space for the server. Random: delay will be random between [random * give delay : given delay]
Test is expensive, the TA's job is to achieve higher quality with lower cost. It is difficult, but with subtle design, we can somehow achieve it. It is not risk-free, but try to manage the risk, and cost. Control the false alarm which is a big cost in the test project.