
Showing posts from September, 2022

Attrition vs Turnover vs Voluntary Turnover

 Attrition:   人员净流失, 就是人走了但是位置没有补 Turnover: 离职的人的总数。不管什么原因走的都算。  Voluntary Turnover:自愿离职的人的总数,辞职,退休都算。  基本 Turnover - Voluntary Turnover = Attrition

This person prioritizes their workload effectively and meets deadlines.

This person prioritizes their workload effectively and meets deadlines. This person communicates clearly and effectively with me and other colleagues. This person exhibits strong leadership skills. This person has strong interpersonal skills and helps everyone feel welcome on the team. This person is always timely and efficient at providing feedback. This person prioritizes teamwork above all else. This person always finds creative solutions and takes initiative when problem-solving. This employee is always open to receiving both negative and positive feedback. This person strongly embodies our  company values . This person values diverse perspectives, even if they are different from their own. Open-Ended 360-Degree Review Sample Questions In order to elicit the qualitative information you’ll want to gather, it's important to include a number of questions that touch on an employee's strengths, as well as their areas for improvement. This can help managers ensure that each 360-d...

【读书笔记】 管理其实很简单 不要形式大于内容 分清 领导者 vs 管理者 方向: 确保团队可以交付,确保个人可以成功 指导 职业生涯: 目标 ->  愿景 ->  okr ->  优先事项 管理者 自我评价 和 现实 的差距 汇报3个优先事项 你当下的优先事项和季度目标的联系 提供知道,先设定目标,在提供指导。 提供严厉反馈。 做好准备工作。不管是表扬还是批评。  一定要具体。要有具体案例。  如何有效获取反馈 如果要你在工作中取得更大成就,我需要做哪些改变。 你希望在我身上看到或者学到什么,或者不希望看到什么 今天我又那些地方做的不对,可以做的更好 保持倾听,不要反驳 职业生涯规划。以及长期规划 从过去开始,生活中的故事开始,兴趣,爱好。  在谈论未来,梦想。  具体下一步怎么做