my CSS dinner solution   a good small training for CSS locator in Selenium.

#1 plate select all plate
#2 bento select all bento
#3 plate#fancy # is for id field
#4 plate>apple > is parent > chile
#5 plate#fancy>pickle  #3 +#4
#6 apple.small . is for class field
#7 orange.small . can use in any level
#8 bento>orange.small #4 + #6
#9 plate, bento ,  for multiple elements in same level
#10 * everything
#11 plate.* #4 + #10
#12 plate+* "+" is for another element besides current one
#13 pickle ~ pickle "~" Select elements that follows another element
#14 plate > apple
#15 plate>orange:first-child #4 +  :first-child  : select the first child element
#16 plate>*:only-child #4 + #10  +  :only-child  select elements only has one child
#17 plate>apple,pickle:last-child  : last child
#18 plate:nth-child(3) nth-child()
#19 bento:nth-last-child(3) nth-last-child,  notice, it is not the 3rd last bento, it is 3rd last elements in same level
#20 apple:first-of-type :first-of-type : select first of that type of element
#21 plate:nth-of-type(odd) nth-of-type() :  can be a number or even/odd
#22 plate:nth-of-type(2n+3) nth-of-type(xn + y ) :  x is the every n element, y is the starting index
#23 plate>apple:only-of-type only-of-type:  Selects the only element of its type within another element.
#24 orange:last-of-type, apple:last-of-type last of type: Selects each last element of that type within another element. Remember type refers the kind of tag, so p and span are different types.

I wonder if this is how the last dinosaur was selected before it went extinct.
#25 bento:empty :empty   : element without descendents
#26 apple:not(.small) not( x )  is something should not be seleted
#27 *[for] [xxx]  :   xxx is an attribute need be selected
#28 plate[for] #27 with specific type elements
#29 *[for="Vitaly"] select the value of attribute
#30 *[for^=Sa] ^ is  startswith
#31 *[for$=ato] $ is endswith
#32 *[for*=obb] * is contain


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