
Showing posts from 2023

Docker Container mount to a mysteric folder which I don't know where is it.

Env:  Ubuntu 20.04  When install too many versions of docker on the same machine,  it could have a weird mount behavior. I have a folder called /media/xxx/uuid/prod/db, hereafter, "local db folder".   and I mount this folder to the /db folder inside container, hereafter "container db folder".    I start container like this:  docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=/media/xxx/uuid/prod/db,target=/db image:latest As you can expected, something happened. the container was  up and running.  the mount seemed not right. If I add a new file to the local db folder , the new file was not available in container db folder ,  and vice versa,  if I add a new file to the container db folder ,  the file wasn't available in the local db folder either.   Looks like the local db folder and container db folder wasn't mapped.   Run docker inspect, I could see the mount configure was correct, from  /media/xxx/uuid/pr...

[读书笔记]: how-to-improve-your-sales-skills-even-if-youre-not-a-salesperson Selling is moving somebody else to action Selling “is persuading, inspiring, and leading.” Your goal is “to work in collaboration” with a client or colleague “to drive change.” “People buy for two reasons,” -       They either have a business problem that needs to be solved or       they have a personal need, such as a desire to move up in the organization”  It’s your job to figure out your customer’s motivations

【读书笔记】STP in SCD

  Automation and optimization are high on the list for all organizations. A key part of this in SCD is the Transaction STP feature which enables you to automate the way transactions are processed and only deal with exceptions. In this piece, we will take a look at some of the tools that can be used to help users handle the process. Start by looking at the Message Queue window where the STP queues are defined (Message queue type = STP queue). In this window, we want to point to the field Maximum Age . As with other message queues, this defines the number of days after which a ‘Finished’ message will be deleted (provided this has not been disabled in the Service Options window). For an STP queue, this means the number of days after a transaction has reached the highest status possible, which at many client installations is ‘Final GL’. However, the transaction is of course not deleted, rather the message status is changed from ‘Queued’ to ‘Removed’ and it is no longer part of the ST...

[读书笔记] 是时候埋葬DevOps了   建立“DevOps”团队的公司正朝着正确的方向前进,但它们需要从基础架构配置管理转向平台工程和使开发人员能够实现自助服务。 知识孤岛和专业知识是同一枚硬币的两面。从全栈工程师到DevOps从业人员,我们行业喜欢假装每个人都能做任何事情。我们这个行业的人生性喜欢捣鼓。我不知道我们是在自欺欺人,还是这个行业一直在利用我们喜欢捣鼓的天性,但是时候将DevOps扔到窗外了。 越来越流行的时代精神是“平台工程是未来。” 遗憾的是,许多组织无法指望“DevOps”团队来搞平台工程,从而抵达成功彼岸。

[读书笔记] - 3-rhetorical-techniques-to-increase-your-impact Turn "to" to "to be",   Turn "Don't" to "Don't to be" Turning actions (i.e., helping or voting) into identities (i.e., being a helper or voter) makes people more likely to take action because it turns that action into an opportunity to claim a desired identity.     speak with a great deal of certainty.   --   They say that answers are  unambiguous , results are  guaranteed , and a certain course of action will  definitely   work.  Qualifying statements make listeners less likely to follow our advice or adopt a recommended course of action.  Hedging hurts because it makes communicators seem less confident.   our research finds  that personal hedges (i.e., “it  seems to me  like this will work”) are more persuasive than   “it  seems  like this will work”,   because they convey confidence .  ...

【读书笔记】- how-to-help-superstar-employees-fulfill-their-potential “My biggest leadership challenge is determining methods for leading team members,”  it can sometimes come across as being parental and directive. Although I am highly regarded and respected, I want to make sure that my leadership style continues to be one of encouragement, motivation, and development versus one that turns people off and they therefore do not want to follow me and my vision.” must learn to recalibrate to a definition of success based on the team’s collective performance  have a broader vision and a deeper sense of the strategic and competitive landscape . They noted that the technical and functional skills that enabled high potentials to excel may in fact impede their ability to see the “big picture.”   Paradoxically, while empathy tends to decline as one moves up, that is when it is most needed, especially when one is leading and not doing.

[读书笔记] 运维如何转型

Image 岗位职责(运维是干什么、产出什么)和关键指标(度量产出成果) 关键指标,不仅仅包含服务可用性,还有比如服务器资源达标率、服务故障数据(故障分类、故障响应时间、平均故障恢复时间、故障告警覆盖率)、服务安全指标、服务资源到位时长等等。 业务的成功是第一要务 最常做的变更是二进制、配置的变更,当然,还有对基础环境以及组件的变更需求。 定义故障 -> 响应故障 -> 快速定位 -> 快速止损 牵头整体的稳定性建设,各个业务需要出接口人极力配合,所谓的稳定性建设,包括事前的预防风控、事中的统筹协同、事后的复盘推进,这也是 SRE 对公司的最大价值。 对象管理 是纵向模式,围绕运维对象、建设生命周期的管理平台。 场景管理 是横向模式,根据运维场景、纳管多种运维对象的生命周期阶段。运维场景的分类,包括交付/变更、监控/度量、多云、成本等等,非常贴近业务研发的工作习惯、覆盖少数高频场景 先保障稳定,然后再优化 提供可靠的测试依据和时间验证 使用可控的自动化手段提升效率 保持简单,监控一切 面向预算的运维 面向场景的智能运维 - 智能运维就是需要深入理解业务,合理配置资源和架构来满足不同业务场景的需求 持续集成和发布系统 一、 以可配置为荣,以硬编码为耻 二、 以互备为荣,以单点为耻 三、 以随时重启为荣,以不能迁移为耻 四、 以整体交付为荣,以部分交付为耻 五、 以无状态为荣,以有状态为耻 六、以标准化为荣,以特殊化为耻 七、以自动化工具为荣,以手动和人肉为耻 八、以无人值守为荣,以人工介入为耻 关注公司的业务现在急需什么?公司最核心的用户他们需要什么?他们需要什么...

[读书笔记] Stop wasting your most precious resource: Middle managers

Image Companies treat middle management as a catchall, requiring managers to spend much of their time handling nonmanagerial work and navigating organizational bureaucracy rather than allowing them to focus on the most important role at an organization:  fostering talent . organizations lack clarity about what managers should be doing with their time  organizations may be more likely to value—and therefore expect managers to spend more time on—strategy-related and individual-contributor work rather than talent management, making it difficult for managers to devote adequate support to their teams.

读书笔记 - How Managers Become Leaders They must learn to move from specialist to generalist, analyst to integrator, tactician to strategist, bricklayer to architect, problem solver to agenda setter, warrior to diplomat, and supporting cast member to lead role  the move to enterprise leadership always requires executives who’ve been specialists to quickly turn into generalists who know enough about all the functions to run their businesses. leaders must know the right questions to ask and the right metrics for evaluating and recruiting people to manage areas in which they themselves are not experts. An enterprise leader’s job is to manage and integrate the collective knowledge of those functional teams to solve important organizational problems  The skills required have less to do with analysis and more to do with understanding how to make trade-offs and explain the rationale for those decisions.