[读书笔记] - 3-rhetorical-techniques-to-increase-your-impact


Turn "to" to "to be",   Turn "Don't" to "Don't to be"

Turning actions (i.e., helping or voting) into identities (i.e., being a helper or voter) makes people more likely to take action because it turns that action into an opportunity to claim a desired identity.  

speak with a great deal of certainty.   --  They say that answers are unambiguous, results are guaranteed, and a certain course of action will definitely work. 

Qualifying statements make listeners less likely to follow our advice or adopt a recommended course of action.  Hedging hurts because it makes communicators seem less confident.

 our research finds that personal hedges (i.e., “it seems to me like this will work”) are more persuasive than  “it seems like this will work”,  because they convey confidence 

Whether online on social media, or offline in one-to-one conversations or meetings, you makes audiences feel like someone is speaking directly to them, so they’re more likely to stop what they’re doing and listen.

Not surprisingly, then, while you helps on social media by drawing attention, it hurts in customer support pages where it can suggest the user is at fault.  Words not only convey information, they signal who is in control, and who is responsible, in both good ways and bad.


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